Dolly's rescue

It was reported that a dog named Dolly was living under conditions, that are illegal under Indian law. This is how case was dealt with. The "owner" was approached, he was requested to remedy the situation or surrender the animal. He refused to do so. He was reminded that his action was illegal and that he was leaving no course of action, but a police complaint against him. He said that he didn't care a damn about the police. The place where Dolly was tied was photographed and video was taken. It was observed that Dolly was tied on a very short leash, in filthy surroundings, information was obtained that suggested that she was not adequately exercised, considering that she was tied all the time. It also came to be known the water bowl and food bowl wasn't cleaned for days and that she was not regularly and properly fed, and provided with clean water. The concerned police station was approached. The situation was verbally as written in (2) above was conveyed ...