
Showing posts from June, 2018

SOS: Mahindra Sanyo killing, maiming and displacing dogs

It has been reported that Mahindra Sanyo Special Steel Pvt. Ltd. is killing, maiming and displacing dogs at their Jagdish Nagar, Khopoli. plant. The dogs are beaten to death with sticks by the company’s security staff. They do not spare even pregnant females. The concerned officer who has ordered killing, maiming and displacing dogs is Shri. Basu, phone number  8308828555 The dogs are killed only because it doesn’t look good with dogs around when the company has visitors.  Please intervene to save these poor, mute defenceless souls. Other Contact details of the said organisation -

Cows rescued, beef confiscated

22 June, 2018, 7.00 am In an operation conducted in Vahur village, by Mahad City Police (02145-222149) under whose jurisdiction the village is located, in the early hours of 22 June, 2018, 5 cows have been rescued and beef and vehicle carrying it confiscated. Md Giyasuddin Shaikh and other suspects belonging to Shivaji Nagar, Govandi, Mumbai have been reportedly arrested. Mahad is a municipal town and taluka in Raigad district of Maharashtra. 

Bulls rescued in police raid

14 June, 2018, 3.30 pm On 13 June, 2018, Khalapur police raided a shed at a location under their jurisdiction, where bulls were allegedly kept for slaughter and rescued 19 bulls. Details awaited.

Jallikattu psychopathy documented in Supreme Court order

Chilling Jallikattu psychopathy documented in  Supreme Court of India,  Animal Welfare Board Of India vs A. Nagaraja & Ors on 7 May, 2014 also see para 62, the right to live guaranteed under Article 21 of CoI also applies to animals " 62. Every species has a right to life and security, subject to the law of the land, which includes depriving its life, out of human necessity.  Article 21  of the Constitution, while safeguarding the rights of humans, protects life and the word “life” has been given an expanded definition and any disturbance from the basic environment which includes all forms of life, including animal life, which are necessary for human life, fall within the meaning of  Article 21  of the Constitution. So far as animals are concerned, in our view, “life” means something more than mere survival or existence or instrumental value for human-beings, but to lead a life with some intrinsic worth, honour and dignity. Animals’ we...

Cows ... are the substitute to mother and God; Andhra High Court observes in Criminal revision case No. 517 of 2017

In Ramavath Hanuma @ Hanumanthu, ... vs State Of Telangana, criminal revision case no 517 of 2017 has made statements that would be appreciated by any Hindu.  "... I n this Country-the Bharat, for those in belief who represent a majority of population, cow is a substitute to mother, who is a substitute to God. The cow in particular acquires a special sanctity and was called "Aghnya" (not to be slain). Thus, cow is a sacred national wealth and no one merely owned can claim, but for to rear, either to kill or to sell for slaughter...."


Mumbai Municipal Corporation Act, 1888 Section 316: Prohibition of the tethering of animals in the public street (1) No person shall tether any  animal or cause or permit the same to be tethered by any member of his family or household, in any public street (2) Any animal tethered as aforesaid may be removed by the Commissioner, or by any municipal officer or servant, and made over to a police officer, or may be removed by a police officer, who shall deal therewith as with an animal found straying. Section 384: Prohibition as to keeping animals.  (1) No person shall— (a) without the written permission of the Commissioner, or otherwise than in conformity with the terms of such permission, keep any swine in any part of Greater Bombay; [ These words were substituted for the words " the city " by Bom. 7 of 1950, s. 6(1).] (b) keep any animal on his premises so as to be a nuisance or dangerous to any person;  (c) feed any animal, or suffer or permit any...


This FAQ is prepared for Gaurakshak/ Jeev daya premi/ Animal Welfare Activist and Advocates who are working for Welfare of Animals (especially Cow and Cow Progeny) throughout Maharashtra. In the beginning, we would like to mention that in Mumbai there is only ONE place where Buffaloes, Goats, Sheep and Pigs can be slaughtered and it is run by BMC’s Deonar Abattoir at Govandi, Mumbai. Apart from this place, no one can slaughter Buffaloes, Goats, Sheep and Pigs in any other part of Mumbai. The butchers and meat shop owners who slaughter Goat and Sheep in Mumbai (except at Deonar Abattoir) in their backyard of shop are violating the Law of the Land and can be prosecuted. As per the newly amended “The Maharashtra Animal Preservation (Amendment) Act, 1995”, the slaughter and transport for the purpose of slaughter of Cow and its Progeny is completely banned in Maharashtra. The flesh of cow & its progeny in violation of the new amended act, cannot be possessed & consumed Howe...